Emptitude Media Apps

Currency Exchange Rates 1.1
Get exchange rates anytime, anywhere. 130 currencies and 4preciousmetals.
Text Reminder 1.4
Reminders you cannot miss. Send them as textmessages to yourself to be delivered at a future time.Alternatively, if you need to remind someone else to do somethinglater, set it now and they will be reminded accordingly.Notifications are generated for messages due to be sent while yourphone was turned off.
1100 Cocktails 1.2
Contains an alphabetized list of over1,100cocktails (including fancy non-alcoholic drinks). Each onelinks toa recipe (and other relevant information) fromabout.com.Simplified navigation due to the implementation of a gridview.Also, favorite cocktails can be saved in a separatelist.
US Capitals Quiz 1.0
Test your knowledge of states andtheircapitals.
Track Keeper 1.1
Trying to remember when the last time wasyouwatered your plants, replaced your parrot’s water and food,changedthe water in the fish tank, got a new toothbrush, had yourcartires rotated or simply curious how long the batteries on yourTVremote really last? This very helpful app takes care of allthatfor you. The only thing you need to do is decide what to put onthetracking list. You can add, update or delete activitiesandevents.
Reflex Test 1.2
Reflex Test checks how swiftly you can tapthescreen after a target has appeared. You can tap anywhere onthescreen, not necessarily the target itself. The app keeps trackofyour best and average reaction times; you can also delete thoseandstart anew at any time.
Stock Statistics Calculators 1.0
Statistical analysis of the stock market.Obtain results for correlation, volatility and returns ofstocks,ETFs and mutual funds. Based on daily adjusted closingpricesprovided by Yahoo! Finance for selected periods of time.Dataavailable for up to 520 consecutive calendar days. All pricesfromYahoo! Finance are adjusted for splits and dividends.A Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient iscalculatedusing the adjusted closing prices for any two stocks,indices,exchange-trade funds or mutual funds supported by Yahoo!Finance.The value of a correlation coefficient is between -1 and 1,where 0represents no correlation between the two securities, 1representsperfect positive correlation (prices for both securitiesmove inthe same direction) and -1 represents a perfectnegativecorrelation (prices for both securities move inoppositedirections).Historical statistical volatility is a measure of how muchtheprice of a security fluctuated during a given time period.Naturallog is used to calculate daily returns of a security fromits dailyadjusted closing prices. The standard deviation of thosereturns isthen calculated, its value being the measure of thesecurity'svolatility.Just enter securities ticker symbols and choose a period oftimefor the calculations. The app will do the rest.Results are based on historical data and are not a guaranteeforfuture performance.
World Jokes 1.1
Read, listen to and submit funny jokesinEnglish, Spanish, Chinese and French. Have them translated toover130 languages. Save your favorite ones. Share them withyourfriends.We take jokes seriously.